How ignorance of basic logic causes systemic failure
Let’s do some basic, pragmatic math: things come from other things, and must have a minimal difference from the parental set, in order to sustain. Each successful generation of a dominant species evolves, and at the very least, survives via basic evolutionary differences (differentials in Behavioral Science).
So how do children evolving stage by stage, evolve into adults that have enough knowledge of themselves (physician, heal thyself) – especially in an ever increasing complex system that the US is – when educational systems are generally practicing the mindset of ‘just get them through’? If we persistently refuse to use our best tools, like genetic predisposition of DNA proficiencies children inherit from their parents, and nurture these differentials through each stage of development, then how can we expect each following generation to pass on sustainability and keep on evolving? Hasn’t history taught us enough about apathy, complacency, and the eventual failings of always following the easiest path?
This is why it has become a critical factor in our current state, that we persistently solicit leadership – especially locally where you are – in changing the prime prerequisite in our public schools, to Behavioral Science. And along with placing the very best Behavioral Scientists in these crucial teaching positions, we may just be able to turn the tide of an increasingly disastrous tipping point of a major fall.
So use Facebook, Twitter, and every social media and local neighborhood association you can, and initiate this vital change. Not only could you be curbing major loss, but you could very well be adding tremendous value that can be built upon, for generations to come.