Changing the Prime Major from English to Behavioral Science
Up until this point, teaching future generations the commonly used language, along with parental and close adult guidance, was sufficient to empower people into a broad, sustainable behavioral range. But if you sincerely take stock in the increasing lack of direction more and more children have going into adulthood today, you’ll find that the increasing overload of information leads to a broader disintegration of individual-to-group success rates, and an eventual, total, system collapse.
So now we’re left with no other alternative but to instill Behavioral Science, at scale, from early developmental stages to latter, as the Prime Major in correcting this dangerous trend. Placing the best adult Behavioral Scientists, in early Prime positions, scales along with the above math as well. And inevitably, if this running equation can eloquently be distributed persistently enough, broadly enough, we can overcome the downward tipping point and keep on rising as we would prefer.
So talk to your neighbors, existing networks, and go viral in soliciting local leadership in affecting this vital change.